Sabinsa Corporation named #77 on 1996 Inc. 500 list

Sabinsa Corporation has been named to the prestigious INC. 500, INC. magazine's annual list of fastest growing private companies. Sabinsa was named 77 out of the 500 chosen.

"Everyone here at Sabinsa is very proud. We have a talented team who has worked very hard to create a success from the vision I had when I started Sabinsa eight years ago," stated company founder Dr. Muhammad Majeed.

The INC. 500 has, for fifteen years, identified America's most successful and innovative entrepreneurs. Former Inc. 500 companies include Microsoft, Dominos Pizza, and Patagonia.

To be eligible for the Inc. 500, companies have to be independent and privately held through 1995, and must demonstrate a sales increase from 1994 through 1996. Information was verified using tax forms and financial statements from certified public accountants, and by interviews conducted with company officials.




  • Sabinsa Corporation
    20 Lake Drive
    East Windsor
    NJ 08520, USA

  • +1 732 777 1111
  • +1 732 777 1443


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