Two papers have been recently published reporting results of a clinical trial examining the impact of Sabinsa’s Curcumin C3 Complex® / BioPerine® combination on diabetic subjects.
Effects of Curcuminoids Plus Piperine on Glycemic, Hepatic and Inflammatory Biomarkers in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Randomized Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Trial was published in Drug Research (Drug Res (Stuttg) 2018; 68(07): 403-409; Curcuminoids Plus Piperine Modulate Adipokines in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus was published in Current Clinical Pharmacology 2017; 12(4):253-258;
"In a randomized, double-blind placebo-controlled trial involving a total of one hundred type-2 diabetes subjects treated with C3 Complex/BioPerine combination (500mg/5mg respectively as daily dose) or placebo for three months, the researchers found that C3 Complex/BioPerine combination improved the glycemic parameters such as glucose concentration and Hb1Ac in the blood. Decrease in both these parameters indicated a positive response to C3 Complex/BioPerine by diabetic subjects. Also, the levels of C-peptide, an indicator of the amount of insulin produced, also registered an increase in the subjects receiving the supplement over the placebo-receiving subjects. Hepatic health in the supplement-receiving subjects also improved as shown by the ALT and AST parameters. In addition, improved function of the beta cells of the pancreas, the site of insulin production, was indicated by HOMA-β values measured.

The authors also noted an increase in the values of anti-inflammatory adiponectin, an adipokine again connected with glucose maintenance and insulin sensitivity. This increase was observed along with a decreasing leptin/adiponectin ratio and lower values of leptin. The leptin/adiponectin ratio has been recognized as an indicator of atherosclerosis with lower values as a healthy indicator. The trial also indicated lower levels of pro-inflammatory cytokine TNFα in C3 Complex/BioPerine group.
“While we’ve known that our ingredients hold the keys to good health, work in this area is particularly encouraging given the prevalence and growth of Type 2 diabetes worldwide,” noted Sabinsa founder Dr. Muhammed Majeed.
These clinical results corroborate similar observations made on an animal study using C3 Complex by Columbia University researchers in 2008 [Endocrinology 2008;149(7):3549-3558].