Sabinsa on Wheels Announced For South Korea

Sabinsa Korea will hold Sabinsa On Wheels, a science-intensive seminar on the company's premier patented ingredients, on Friday April 6, 2012 at the JW Marriott Hotel Seoul, South Korea.

Presenters will include Dr. Nagabhushanam Kalyanam, Sabinsa's President of R&D, Dr. Reza Kamarei, Sabinsa's Vice President of Science & Technology, and Dr. Anurag Pande, Sabinsa's Vice President, Scientific Affairs.

Speakers also include Hyo-Kyung Han PhD, Chair/Associate Professor, College of Pharmacy, Dongguk University, Gyeonggi-do, Korea. Dr. Hyo-Kyung Han holds both a Master’s degree in Medicinal Chemistry and a Bachelor's degree in pharmacy from Seoul National University. She went to University of Michigan U.S. to get her Ph.D, and also did her Post-doctoral there. In 1999, she began a five-year stint at the Pfizer Global R&D center in the USA. Upon returning to Korea, she was assistant professor at the College of Pharmacy, Chosun University. To date, she has published more than 60 popular scientific articles.

Sabinsa on Wheels topics will include some of the company’s most novel ingredients in the following categories: weight management, inflammation, joint support, functional foods, cosmetics, formulation concepts and research capabilities.

"South Korea is a growing and important market for Sabinsa, and interest in the concrete scientific aspects of our products warrants bringing in some of our top science staff to provide in depth information," said Sabinsa founder Dr. Muhammed Majeed.

For more information please contact:

Sabinsa Korea Corporation
O: +82 2 565 7241
F: +82 2 565 7242
E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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    East Windsor
    NJ 08520, USA

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