Sabinsa's VP Scientific Affairs To Speak On Nilitis® To Manage Arthritic Conditions At Science Tour

Dr. Anurag Pande, Vice President, Scientific Affairs, Sabinsa Corporation, will give a presentation on NiLitis®: A Multipronged Approach To Management Of Arthritic Conditions on June 12, 2012 as part of the SupplySide Science Tour held at the Salt Lake City Marriott Downtown, Salt Lake City, Utah.

Dr. Anurag Pande, Vice President, Scientific Affairs, Sabinsa Corporation

NiLitis is a sustained release composition developed by Sabinsa containing phyto-actives which studies have indicated aid inflammation and pain management. It contains three of the most trusted herbal ingredients: Boswellin® (from Boswellia serrata gum), Curcumin C3 Complex® (from turmeric rhizomes) and gingerol from Ginger rhizomes.

A recent clinical trial evaluating the efficacy and safety of NiLitis found measurable end points of reduction in pain and stiffness and better joint function.

Dr. Pande has been with Sabinsa's parent company, Sami Labs, since 2004 in a research capacity, and since 2008 has been based in Sabinsa Japan's Tokyo office as Senior Technical Manager. He holds a PhD in Phytochemistry from RML Awadh University. He has both a Masters degree in Science and a Bachelor's degree in Science from Lucknow University.  


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