Sabinsa's Saberry® + Cococin™ Formulation Granted US Patent

Sabinsa Corporation's SABERRY® + COCOCIN synergistic formulation has been granted US patent 8247003.

Saberry® from Sabinsa Corporation is a proprietary extract from the fruits of Emblica officinalis (Phyllanthus emblica) or more commonly amla. Saberry® is the result of efforts to prepare an authenticated amla extract, standardized using a valid biomarker, β-glucogallin. Cococin from Sabinsa Corporation is patented freeze-dried coconut water solids manufactured by a proprietary lyophilisation technique. Devoid of added sugar and carbohydrates, the product retains intact the nutritive value of tender coconut water in terms of minerals, vitamins, aminoacids and electrolyte content.

The newly patented SABERRY® + COCOCIN synergistic formulation protects dermal papilla cells from stress signals. Dermal papilla cell clusters are mesenchyme cells, which perform several important functions that include:

  • Being reservoirs of multi-potent stem cells which are critical assets in the area of regenerative medicine;
  • Having the physical inductive influence on the cells of undifferentiated epidermis to push into the dermis as part of processes involved in skin appendage formation;
  • Acting as body's antidote mechanisms for preventing unwarranted inflammatory reactions; and
  • Producing useful anti-microbial proteins.


Dr. Muhammed Majeed, Founder and Chairman of the SAMI-SABINSA group said "It is a pleasure to note Sabinsa's continued success in providing technological solutions in the alternative medicine sector, the latest being the combination of amla extract standardized with the biomarker β-glucogallin and Cococin for dermal papilla protection. My hearty congratulations to the Phytochemistry and Biological research teams at SAMI/SABINSA for their combined effort in creating such useful science."


  • Sabinsa Corporation
    20 Lake Drive
    East Windsor
    NJ 08520, USA

  • +1 732 777 1111
  • +1 732 777 1443


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