Sabinsa Receives Frost & Sullivan's 2008 North American Personal Care Ingredient Green Excellence Award

PISCATAWAY, NJ - Sabinsa Corporation is the recipient of Frost & Sullivan’s 2008 North American Personal Care Ingredient Green Excellence of the Year Award. The award is in acknowledgment of Sabinsa’s strategically balanced green product offering, proactive and sustainable marketing practices, and the continuous ability to satisfy client needs in an increasingly diverse and green-conscious market space.


"Sabinsa is experiencing strong growth through its participation in a growing market place," said Frost & Sullivan research analyst Christopher Shanahan. "The company has achieved this by effectively offering a balanced green product line and adopting a proactive and sustainable best practice marketing strategy."

“We’re certainly honored by this recognition and will continue to invest in practices that make sense to our customers and the market place,” stated company founder Dr. Muhammed Majeed.

"Our customers want green products made using sustainable practices,” added marketing director Shaheen Majeed. “We appreciate their support of our sustainability programs."

Sabinsa has 20,000 acres of land devoted to supplying numerous herbs to the company’s production, and employs sustainable agricultural practices including the recycling of herbal waste, the development of proprietary natural preservatives that replace synthetic parabens, the employment of supercritical extraction that avoids the use of petroleum based solvents, the use of water consumption technologies, and the adoption of waste reduction programs.

Sabinsa offers over 25 natural personal care ingredient products, which were reviewed by Frost & Sullivan for this award, including Cosmoperine®, Rosemary Extract CG, Neem Oil Limonoiids, Boswellin® CG and SabiWhite.    


  • Sabinsa Corporation
    20 Lake Drive
    East Windsor
    NJ 08520, USA

  • +1 732 777 1111
  • +1 732 777 1443


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