Sabinsa Corporation Introduces Saberry™ Now With Correctly Identified and Validated Biomarkers For Amla

Sabinsa Corporation announced today the launch of their new ingredient, Saberry, a patent pending natural extract of Amla (Indian gooseberry) recently described in a peer reviewed publication. This represents years of research, and another example of Sabinsa's bringing modern scientific methods to validating and expanding the understanding and applications of traditional botanicals.

Natural Amla is an antioxidant super fruit, pickled and preserved for its health food benefits and used in the Ayurvedic tradition as a 'rasayana', or tonic, in multiple compositions to support general health maintenance and the management of various health conditions.

Saberry from Sabinsa Corporation is standardized to contain a minimum of 10% beta‐Glucogallin and 50% Gallates. Conventionally, Amla extracts used in dietary supplements were standardized using ascorbic acid as the biomarker. However, recent research has revealed the fact that Amla does not contain ascorbic acid in consistent amounts, and sometimes, only in trace quantities, rendering its validity as a biomarker, questionable. Saberry™ is the result of efforts to prepare an authenticated Amla extract, standardized using a valid biomarker, beta‐glucogallin. In‐house studies revealed that beta‐glucogallin is a more powerful antioxidant molecule, as compared to Ascorbic acid. Sabinsa’s extensive research data, published in the January 2009 issue of the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, reveals that the optimal biomarkers for AMLA fruit extract are:

  • beta‐Glucogallin
  • Mucic acid 1, 4 – lactone 5‐O‐Gallate

Saberry is a light colored powder and is processed from carefully chosen, fresh Indian gooseberries using solvent free technology that preserves the natural goodness of the fruits.

Saberry is a leader among water soluble phytonutrients in terms of broad spectrum antioxidant activity, showing a cumulative ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) value of 5384 (per gram), Cumulative ORAC is the sum of the values of ORACTotal (hydrophilic and lipophilic Peroxyl Radical Absorbance Capacity), SORAC (Superoxide Radical Absorbance Capacity), NORAC (Peroxynitrite Radical Absorbance Capacity), HORAC (Hydroxyl Radical Absorbance Capacity) and SOAC (Singlet Oxygen Absorbance Capacity). These values were determined at Brunswick Labs, MA, using their state of the art techniques for evaluating the antioxidant potential of natural materials. ORAC dense antioxidant phytonutrients have been found to support general health and wellness, and healthy aging

"Although vitamin C is present in traces up to 3.5% in some varieties of Amla, our studies show that in over 100 varieties the biological activity is due more to the beta‐Glucogallin/Mucic acid gallates content than vitamin C. The clinical efficacy of Amla cannot therefore be explained by vitamin C alone" stated Muhammed Majeed, Ph.D., founder and chairman.


  • Sabinsa Corporation
    20 Lake Drive
    East Windsor
    NJ 08520, USA

  • +1 732 777 1111
  • +1 732 777 1443


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