Sabinsa Develops L-(+)-Selenomethionine HPLC Assay Procedure, Shares Method With Analytical Labs

Sabinsa Corporation's R & D staff have developed and validated an HPLC assay procedure which was also recently reviewed and approved by the United States Pharmacopeial Convention. As a courtesy,

Sabinsa has sent this method to the leading analytical labs that service the dietary supplements industry.

Over the past few years in marketing its Selenium SeLECT ingredient, Sabinsa has encountered several selenium containing products claiming to provide

L-(+)-Selenomethionine. HPLC analysis of a number of commercially available samples offered as L-(+)-Selenomethionine revealed that the majority are spurious. A physical mixture of an inorganic or organic selenium salt with methionine does not make L-(+)-Selenomethionine.

"It is part of our ongoing commitment to raise the consciousness and quality of dietary supplement ingredients." stated company President Todd Norton.

Those companies wishing to perform this test in house, a reference standard is available from Sigma-Aldrich cat. # 47,394-4.

Sabinsa's Selenium SeLECT is currently the focus of a large scale prostate cancer study funded through the National Institute of Health's (NIH)

National Cancer Institute (NCI). It is the only selenium source being administered in the study. A second study recently was undertaken to evaluate selenomethionine's potential role in Alzheimer's patients.

The USP monograph for Selenomethionine is based on Sabinsa's Selenium SeLECT® brand L-(+)-Selenomethionine.

For more information contact Sabinsa at either the New Jersey office (+1-732-777-1111) or the Utah office (+1-801-465-8400).

Selenium SeLECT® is a registered trademark of the Sabinsa Corporation.

For more Information:
Todd Norton:
(801) 465-8400
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



  • Sabinsa Corporation
    20 Lake Drive
    East Windsor
    NJ 08520, USA

  • +1 732 777 1111
  • +1 732 777 1443


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