Sabinsa Corporation Announces General Availability of ForsLean® Lean Body Mass Supplement

Sabinsa Corporation announces that its popular dietary supplement ingredient ForsLean®, a standardized extract from Coleus forskholii roots patented by Sabinsa for its use in promoting lean body mass, is now available to manufacturers. Previously, an exclusive licensing agreement with a leading dietary supplements manufacturer prevented the products' sale to other manufacturers. That agreement has now expired.

"ForsLean® shifts the proportion between lean body mass and adipose, or fatty, tissue in favor of lean body mass, which improves overall health," explained Dr. Vladimir Badmaev, Sabinsa Vice President, Scientific and Medical Affairs. "The effect can be measured by decreases in the waist hip ratio and the body mass index."

Lean body mass is composed of muscle, vital organs, bone and other non-fatty tissues. Because the body's metabolic rate is directly proportional to the amount of lean body mass, there is substantial interest in products that increase lean body mass because they are most likely to work.

ForsLean® is the only brand of C. forskholii that has been independently tested for safety and toxicity; and at the dosage used in a preliminary clinical study, patients experienced no untoward or adverse side effects. Two additional clinical study using ForsLean® are now underway in the US and in Japan.

Badmeav adds, "Forskolin, the active compound in ForsLean®, is recognized as an adenylate cyclase activator. Adenylate cyclase is the enzyme involved in the production of cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP), a significant biochemical agent in metabolic processes. The role of cyclic AMP is indispensable to many body functions. It induces a chain reaction of biochemical events that trigger metabolic processes and diet induced thermogenesis, thereby providing the means to maintain healthy body composition and lean body mass levels."

Maintaining lean body mass is essential for good health. It is the use of forskolin for this purpose, and the resulting potential weight management benefits, that the US Patent and Trademark office has granted exclusively to Sabinsa Corporation and its product US Patent #5,804,596 (September 1998). This is a composition patent, which Sabinsa will vigorously protect, as the company does its many patents.

The patent includes forskohlin compositions. While the composition can comprise from about 1 to 40% forskohlin, the most preferered composition contains 10% forskohlin.

For additional information on ForsLean®, please contact Sabinsa at either the New Jersey or Utah office. You can also visit the website at Jersey or Utah office. You can also visit the website at

ForsLean® is a registered trademark of Sabinsa Corporation.

For more Information:
Todd Norton:
(801) 465-8400
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


  • Sabinsa Corporation
    20 Lake Drive
    East Windsor
    NJ 08520, USA

  • +1 732 777 1111
  • +1 732 777 1443


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