Sabinsa Corporation Breaks Ground on New Facility

Dr. Muhammed Majeed. founder of the Sabinsa Corporation, headquartered in Piscataway, New Jersey broke ground November 22,1999 for a new facility on a four acre site in Payson, Utah.

The new 25.000 sq. ft. facility will be phase l of a two phase project which will encompass offices, expanded warehousing, and the capacity for light manufacturing such as custom blending or granulating of its raw materials. The facility is expected to be completed by May 1, 2000.

Sabinsa corporation. which has pioneered the introduction of several Ayurvedic herbal extracts in the US market, is an application-oriented manufacturing and marketing company which manufacturers Phytonutrients, Ayurvedic herbal extracts and fine chemicals used for nutritional, pharmaceutical. cosmeceutical and food products. Sabinsa distinguishes 'itself by its extensive research support for its customers and products, and the scientific credentials of its technical staff.



  • Sabinsa Corporation
    20 Lake Drive
    East Windsor
    NJ 08520, USA

  • +1 732 777 1111
  • +1 732 777 1443


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