Keys to a Healthy Heart

News featured in WholeFoods Magazine

Mr. Shaheen Majeed, President Worldwide of Sabinsa and Dr. N. Kalyanam, President R&D for Sami-Sabinsa Group in conversation with WholeFoods Magazine regarding the power of herbs and their role in cardiovascular health

On the manufacturer side, Shaheen Majeed, President Worldwide of Sabinsa (owner of and manufacturer for America’s Finest, Inc. and Sanutra), adds that two ingredient-specific formulas can be found with the AFI label, and a comprehensive cardio and cholesterol support formula in its Sanutra line: AFI Silbinol offers 450 mg of Indian Kino Tree (Pterocarpus marsupium) extract, providing 22.5 mg of Pterostilbene per vegetarian capsule. Majeed says pterostilbene is an antioxidant compound, chemically similar to resveratrol, but more bioavailable and efficacious, and is also recognized for reducing LDL cholesterol in numerous clinical studies...

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